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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We Made Plans. . .

Hair Ties Are Helpful when packing =)
And once again I find myself packing up my stuff. My whole life's belongings have come down to a matter of a few boxes. Packing always hits me pretty hard. I've always loved it. But I hate what it means.
It means that life is changing again. Looking back, I've seen the small little eras of my life that have made such a significant impact on my life. My move to St. George (i was only 7, but i remember elementary school and not having friends. I remember the huge impact it was having on my older brothers, and that changed me. I would sit by myself and cry in the corner of the playground until i met chelsey smith haha)
I remember packing up my childhood and seeing it diminish into being a teenager when i moved to georgia. I didn't want to pack most of my stuff, so i only packed my clothes, and my mom had to come in and tell me, "Steph, we're actually MOVING. you have to pack your stuff." Then the drive across the country.. i was so excited to see it. I kept thinking as we pulled into Alpharetta, "this is where i'm going to be dating and going to high school and making friends and telling people about the gospel!" . . that excitement only lasted until the car ride was over haha. It hit me like a ton of bricks when i saw the tiny condo we would live in.
Then every summer packing to move back to St. George. I was always torn because i had made such good friends, and i was leaving for 3 months. But always excited to see Jaz and Hablo =). Then packing to go back to Georgia after the summer... those were the WORST. I always hated having to go back and start over. I lost a lot of friends in those small months. and gained a lot of good true ones.
Then my senior year. The best year ever, and i had the best friends i could ask for. I tried to spend every waking minute with Nathaniel and Weston before i left. 3 huge suitcases, and a senior trip later i was unpacking in provo. Then 2 months later packing for college. I cried the whole time.
Then unpacking in my tiny dorm room. And packing again to go home for the summer. Having to find a place to store my stuff was hectic and terrible and i'm so glad i dont have to do that again.
Then packing after the summer to move back to Hawaii after finding my BBFF. And now I'm packing to go home for another Summer. I love packing, but i hate the end of these little eras.
I love change but i hate it. I've loved the new friends and the fresh starts, but hated having to leave people i love behind. I can't wait to go home and see my family and spend time with my friends! It's only 6 weeks so its not too tortuous haha i'm actually excited =) but this whole packing thing sparked a story in me =) you're welcome for my life story haha.

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